Fireguard Valves conforms to the latest version of AWWA standard C509 covering resilient seated gate valves for water supply services. All valves design are optimized for consistent performance and are corrosion resistant. Fireguard Valves have an iron body,bonnet, and O-ring plate. The wedge is totally encapsulated with rubber. The sealing rubber is permanently bonded to the wedge as per ASTM D429 Valves are supplied with O ring seals at all pressure retaining joints and no at gaskets are used. Valves are opened by turning left or right and provided with 2” square operating nut or a hand wheel with word Open and an arrow to indicate the direction to open. Each valve casting have Fireguard name ,Pressure rating and year in which it was manufactured. Each valve is tested by Hydrostatic pressure equal to the requirements of AWWA C509 End connections include combinations of anged, Grooved and mechanical joint. The valve is rated at 250 Psi to 300 Psi.
Outside Screw and Yoke Gate Valves
Outside screw and yoke gate valves are recommended for service indoors and in pits outdoors. They are not recommended for
throttling service. The stem indicates at a glance whether or not the valve is open. Smaller sizes, 2/A through 2 in. NPS inclusive, are
of bronze. Large sizes, 2 1/2 through 14 in. NPS inclusive, are of iron, bronze mounted. One manufacturer makes valves of bronze up
through the 3 in. size. Unless otherwise noted in the listing, these valves have 175 psi (1205 kPa) rated working pressure.
Models FG0135, FG0138, FGO907, FG0131
Models FG0135, FG0138, FGO907, FG0131 Resilient Seated Gate Valves. Rated Working Pressure of 300 psi (2070 kPa) unless
otherwise noted below. Available with the end connections listed below.
Rising Stem Flanged Joint Ends Resilient Wedge Gate Valve
AWWA C509 250PSI / 300PSI
Bolted Bonnet · Rising Stem · Resilient Wedge · Flanged x Flanged
250Psi/300Psi/17.2 bar/20.7 bar Non shock cold working pressure
Conrms to AWWA C509
Coating-Electrostatically applied fusion bonded epoxy coated 0.2 – 0.5 mm inside and outside
Maximum operating temperature 160°F/ 71°C
Flg x Flg
Freezing Weather Precaution: Subsequent to testing a piping system, valves should be in an open position to allow complete drainage.
Resilient wedge Gate valves 2” – 16” is available as Non rising stem and as an OS&Y Gate valve in 2 ½” – 16” sizes
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