UL Listed 25 Bar HFC-227ea Fire Suppression System
HFC-227ea Clean agent system is employed to protect critical installations formerly protected by Halon 1301.
These include:-
• Data Processing Centers
• Telephone Switches
• Process Control Rooms
• Art and Historical Collections
• Archive & Museums
• Industrial, Oil & Gas
• Aerospace, Aviation & Military
HFC-227ea Fire Suppression Agent
Part Number – H1-25-xxx-00x
HFC-227ea agent complies with NFPA Standard 2001: standard for Clean Agent fire Extinguishing systems, EPA SNAP Program (Significant New Alternate Policy).
These agents are classified as suitable for use in occupied areas and are considered to have no ozone depleting potential (ODP).
HFC-227ea fire suppressant can be safely used where people are present.
HFC-227ea systems reach extinguishing levels in 10 seconds or less, stopping ordinary combustible, electrical, and flammable liquid fires before they cause significant damage. That’s the fastest fire protection available, period. When fire is extinguished this quickly, it means less damage, lower repair costs, and an extra margin of safety for people. It also means less downtime and disruption of business.
Empirical formulae……………………………………CF₃CHFCF₃
IUPAC Designation……………………………………1,1,1,2,3,3,3,-Heptafluoropropane
ASHRAE Designation……………………………….HFC-227ea
Molecular Weight……………………………………..170.03
Boiling Point at 1 Atm………………………………2.6 °F ( -16.4 °C )
Freezing Point…………………………………………..-204 °F ( -131°C )
Ozone Depletion Potentia…………………………0
Atmospheric Lifetime…….…………….……………31-42 years
No Observed Adverse Effect Level…………9 %
Lowest Observed Adverse……………………….10.5%
34, 80, 120 & 140 liter Capacity Seamless Cylinder – Standard Unit
PESO Approved Seamless cylinders of HFC-227ea Clean Agent System are used with 25 Bar (360 PSI) system.
Storage Temperature :-
HFC-227ea is stored in cylinder as liquid, superpressurized with dry Nitrogen to 25 bar at 21°C (360 PSIG at 70 °F)
Materials :-
Valve Body: Brass
Cylinder: Seamless type, manufactured and tested in accordance with IS 7285 Standard and approved by PESO for their use
Notes :-
1. Clean Agent Cylinder must be installed in vertical position only.
2. Do not cover, remove or deface caution label
34, 80, 120 & 140 liter Capacity Seamless Cylinder With Switch–in-Gauge Unit
The seamless cylinders are PESO approved for 25 Bar (360 PSI) system and used with HFC-227ea clean agent. It is also equipped with Switch-in-Gauge unit, designed to monitor health of cylinder pressure. This 2 in 1 unit offers unique facility whereas we can monitor cylinder pressure locally and healthiness of cylinder can be monitored remotely via using Fire Alarm Panel interface unit or any other control panel.
For ordering purpose please refer to part numbers given below. This switch will come as a package along with Cylinder Valve Assembly.
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